Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

It's time to harvest the onions. This is a strange year in the garden. Last year we didn't harvest until late June and the onions were twice the size, for some reason they've laid down. The peach tree also has but one peach on it...I still have jam from last years harvest. I can only guess that it's going to be an "Africa-Hot" summer. Still, there are things in bloom...tomatoes ripening, flowers opening. I hope you are all having a peaceful Memorial Day...I'm heading out to work on some yard art.
Here's a few shots of the garden today:

So, yesterday I went on a tour of a few gardens in Crestview and we ended up in a conversation about the bees. I have tons of bees in my yard, also paper wasps, solitary bees, bumble bees etc. The question was asked by a neighbor of the unfortunate fellow who was found dead, presumably from a heart attack...I imagine brought on by the bee swarm. The question is"who is investigating the bees of Crestview?" Good question. When you Google images of African Honeybee's, they look similar to this one on my Lavender. The European Honeybee is pretty much the same size but has a more golden hue on the wings and the stripes are less pronounced. I wonder if anyone in Crestview is keeping bees?

The first Early the backyard. My Roma up front was the first one to ripen, I ate it:)


Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing those pictures of your garden. Those are great looking plants. I love how the tomatoes are filling out. Having your own garden allows you to grow tomatoes full of nutritional flavor. Enjoy your garden!

Sue said...

I have a friend just north of Anderson Ln who keeps bees. She was out of town the weekend of the tour, though. I want honeybees, but I've been trying to get native bees in my garden, too. The Xerces Society has some plans on their website for simple little native solitary bee houses. I've left some bare dirt patches in my garden that they are digging holes in as well.