Wanna bunny? I caved at Christmas and let my 15 and 17 year old daughters (see photo of irresponsible, yet angelic looking teens below to the left in bluebonnets) pick a baby bunny tiny enough to fit in their palms with the classic knee bending wails and promises of...I'll take care of them, you won't have to do a thing! Truth is, they are adorable. The fat one (Dasher, or dinner) squints her eyes when I give her a rub down and she is ohhhh so soft. But, they are uncomfortable in their tiny hutch, so we let them have run of the garden for several hours a day...and they're tearing it up. They dig holes everywhere, and eat everything. The only thing that's improved since they've arrived is the state of my compost, which is rapidly breaking down with the added poop. BTW, I can hear your thinking...fool. I know, I'm a fool for saying yes, but they are old enough to understand the word responsibility. Now...to figure out a plan...it'll be hard to find a home for them, and even harder to eat them...so, here lies the dilemma. I'm open to suggestions.
(see photo of bunny damage in GBBD post below)
I got several comments about the state of my Pride of Barbados in the Bloom Day tally, but this little guy came as a total surprise. This is the only surviving Philippine Violet out of 6, that I had planted over 2 years ago. I'm chalking up these tropical beauties to my lazy gardening skills. I came down with a horrid spring bug, that lasted over 3 weeks, plus took on a full time job, and am handling the majority of the household/teen drama duties due to loving spouse, who also works full time and is a full time PhD student...who today is taking his orals today, followed by a week of comps and lengthy research papers due...pruning was at the bottom of my list...well, all winter and up until this past weekend. (how's that for a run-on?) I believe that's what saved these plants...the shrub overgrowth around them insulated them from the cold where as the other's got zapped. The violet was completely covered by the neighboring Powess Castle, who provided a blessed fortress...thank you, from Ms. Violet.
Also discovered, while yanking out the aggressive Heart leaf Skullcap, this lone Brugmansia, one of 3 that made it! Oh, the turtle wins this race! Hurray for lazy pruners, say the weenie, faaancy plants and me.
And coming up strong is the Sago Palm! Hurray...nothing there to protect her, but after a long pruning...the first set of fronds is coming up strong. I thought the one out front, on the hell strip was a goner, everything brown so I pruned her down to the poky coconut shaped ball that she is without her hair-doo and thought I'd yank her out, roots and all when I had more energy...she's back too!
This last shot is a progress report on the three sisters, my only spring project. My mother gave me a package of Three Sisters, with instructions...so, I thought I'd give it a shot. I never knew exactly how the setup worked even though I'd heard about it since Jr. High geography class and I'm assuming a lot of gardeners don't know either...thinking...you put 'em all together and see what happens. Well, here's the deal. You first plant the corn, then when it's 4 inches high you plant the bean about 6 inches away. When the bean is up and sprouts, you plant the squash 6 inches away, in a triangle. Now the Indians planted them with a fish, I just used fish emulsion. The idea is that the bean uses the corn as a trellis and the squash keeps their feet cool by providing an umbrella to their feets. Then there's some chemical thing that supports the three of them...that part I still don't have down...but right now I'm just tickled pink about my girls! They're almost as tall as I! I didn't know what would be the best location, so I have one set in a pot, and one on the other side of the culinary garden so when the corn tassels, I'll have to run around like a bee pollinating the three locations...lesson learned, also it was just dumb on my part to put this group (the one in the photo above) on the outside of the gated garden because I've already had to chase chickens and bunnies away!
Wanna bunny?
So, tonight...after the cohort defends their ground, they're coming to my garden to celebrate and imbibe some of spouses Double Chocolate Stout (funny how he finds time to brew but not clean huh?) and BBQ. Knowing this was coming, I made my first trip to the nursery this year...FIRST...can you believe it? I laid down 100$ to replace my hanging baskets and fill my window planters and rock garden out front, picked up some soil and a 20ft. piece of hose for one of my water collection stations and I'm promising myself to keep the dollars to a minimum because we're still trying to recover from all the spending last year before the garden tour...this will be tough...because I've missed several plant exchanges this spring, including Elayne Lansford's exotic plant exchange that happens only once a year! I usually come home with the pick-up truck bed cram packed...but the garden looks pretty good considering my lack of time. 7 more days teaching school...and then WEEEEEEEE, summer vacation and back to my favorite time and place...homestead tv and tending the tenders.
Happy Gardening!
If you want a bunny, or know someone who does pleeeeeease let me know!
Oh no!! Please don't eat Bobbie and Dasher or turn them over to Town Lake to be euthanized. This is breaking my heart. We rescued Harvey when he was dumped at a school, and later got him a companion from House Rabbit Rescue (a fellow dumpee). Please, please, email me at llehmusvirta@klru.org for ideas. Our buns are having a good old time in the house right now. We learned about bunnies on the fly when we rescued Harvey. I never knew how wonderful it could be to have a bunny. Really, I can help you. Or call me. I'm in the phone book or at work at 475-9046.
If you kill the rabbits for dinner I will have a whole other opinion of you. We used to raise rabbits to eat. I got out of it because I just didn't like killing them. I know, there's rumors I might be a tough guy, but I really didn't like it.
Are you going to the blogger get together at Robin's place. [I can't even type out the name]I would love to see you again as I really did enjoy talking to you before. I have some Calylophus I'm bringing to give away if that helps. Philip and Jenny are bringing plants to give away as well. Hope to see you there.
You two are hilarious. Linda, I can't have them live indoors...we have a Boston Terrier who eats chickens and I'm sure she'd love a fuzzy bunny toy too. I will call you, but I have no intention of dumping the bunnies on a shelter. All my cats are rescue, and one of my chickens and I'll rescue Boston Terriers the rest of my life. They'll only go to a good home I promise.
Bob, you're a big softie! What's Robin's house? Can I get a ride with you? When is it? Give me a call...
I knew Linda would be first on the bandwagon of messages. do they eat caterpillars? No! I don't think so. Only plants. I already have enough of things that do that. What a busy bee you are. No wonder you didn't have any time to prune, but sometimes it's a good thing. Your garden is looking great and at least you have a datura, Philippine V and healthy green leaves on your sago. Have a restful summer.
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comment :-). I would keep the bunnies, if they are helping with the compost they have to be worth their feed :-) Have you thought of a sort of wire run to contain them a bit and perhaps give them their own piece of garden? Really enjoyed your post, brought back memories ha!
It's not the cost...that's minimal, it's the time and the hassel of cleaning the hutch. Yes, we've thought of a rabbit run, but don't really have that much room. We're at 13 pets right now, and the bunnies are just TOO much...
OOOO Bunnies!!! Don't you even THINK about telling my boy that there are two, cute, sweet, soft bunnies up for adoption. I cannot take care of one. more. living. thing. Seriously. Course, I've got so little actually growing in my garden...what could the hurt? HA, she said. I'm skeered of the dog factor, honestly. Luna kills everything although...she's quite smitten with our new kitten. Your yard looks dreamy. Thank GOD you finally outed what that damn Three Sisters thing is. I wan't gonna ask again. Beers cold...
I will trade you homebrew for bunnies Michelle! YOU come get this double-chocolate-stout and stumble home with bunnies! Finn will looooove them!
I'm sorry about your bunny dilemma, but glad to know you're looking for a forever home for them. I can't take them, I have one chicken-eating dog that would love rabbit as well and one known bunny-killer dog. Brought me one into the kitchen once, even! Your garden looks great, btw!
Didn't mean to chomp on you! All our pets are rescues (all 7 now). I sure wish stores would stop selling bunnies! We do have a wire run outside for bun outside playtime. I do understand about space but it doesn't have to be large. Can't speak for B. terrier, but our cocker is terrified of the bunnies. Call me for options or HRRN info!
HRRN? Dunno what that is, today is a uber busy day...but I will call soon! I'm hoping someone will take them without me having to do anything. I really am worried about the heat, the fat one pants all the time. Anyway, thank you for checking back!
Diana! I don't know what is the deal but your blog won't let me comment! I've been trying for months, what is the deal???
Cheryl - I have no idea why> I'll check it out. I just disabled anonymous commenting this week because of all my spam, but that wouldn't be you since you have blogger. Does it give you error msg? Saturday's gathering is Design A Go Go from google group invite - did you get that? May be you have a google problem...you can email me @ dianackirby@gmail.com
Hey Di, I probably did get that message...I get so many garden group stuff on the greengardener account that I tend to gloss over a lot of it. I'll check your spot again...see if I can figure out what's going on...
Yep, buns can have a heat stroke when it hits over 85 degrees. HRRN is House Rabbit Rescue Resource. Later!
I also found a brugmansia growing back after being a lazy. The story is too long to type here but my mom had a friend whose bunny led her to fame and fortune. will have to share it with you sometime.
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