Bloom day, the blog roll for gardeners world wide is the creation of Linda at
May Dreams Gardens, and you're one step away from having a look at gardens in bloom across the world. Thank you Linda! Now here's a quick peek at some of the things going on here at Conscious Gardening!
This is another pass along rose that I picked up a few years ago and this is the first year it's done anything. I think it's a climber, well...a fainter actually. She's sent out several sprays that creep on the ground but put out these beautifully colored blossoms...this is the last of them unfortunately, now to get a trellis!
Katrina Rose, up close.
I don't know this lovely ladies name. I ask every year when she blooms for some help on an ID but have never heard back from the rose aficionados. So, I'm going to simply call her "Red."
Knock out!
Oh yea, she's a Knock out!
The fernleaf verbena and santolina have taken over the south end of the mound.
This is a long shot of the hummingbird and butterfly mix I threw down in my culinary garden, why? So I could watch my favorite garden faeries from the window in the Bird blind Bar through the summer, and stay nice and cool with a frosty Margarita in hand! I'm no dummy! Summer's upon us!
She was a great gal, and I have fond memories of her quirkiness. Everytime I see a larkspur I think of her. I don't see people in too many flowers, but this one belongs to her.
The common pittosporum, covered in bees each year is one of my favorites.
My sole poppy, I'm envious of those of you who have them return year after year.
Jerusalem sage
The first blog entry I did over 3 years ago now, was about my amazement and love for the
Pride of Barbados, she's nearly 6 ft. tall now and no longer needs to be covered in winter...thank goodness, because I forgot all about her!
heartleaf scullcap...they've come back with a vengence!
This last shot is the promise of winter...a persimmon blossom, my favorite brown flower.
Here's the rest of the shy bloomers, whose photos didn't turn out so well...but deserve a mension just the same:
Gulf Coast Penstamon
Texas Sage
Autumn Sage
Cherry Sage
Lipstick Sage
Gregg's Mistflower
Mutabilis Rose
Indian Blanket
Mexican Sage
Blue Mealy Sage
and volunteer Squash (?) flowers
Now, I've got 4 cubic yards of compost stinking my neighbors out, so I've got to get busy! I hope April finds you in blooms wherever you are! Thanks for stopping by, and do a little rain dance for us here in Central Texas...will you?
Happy Gardening!
Everything looks lovely, in particular that amazing Katrina rose and your red yucca! My red yuccas are blooming for the first time. Happy Bloom Day!
Man! I mean, woman! You've got tons of showy blooms. Your roses are stunning. I bought a few cosmos because they're so cheery, but I can't keep them blooming for more than a day or two. What's the secret?
Everything you have blooming now looks lovely! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. It's always nice to see other blogs, isn't it?
I see you plant cosmos for the hummingbirds. I will plant some this year...we have hummingbirds around here.
Happy Gardening!
I'm delighted to see that picture of Peggy Martin blooming so profusely. I just planted one on a friend's chain link fence outside Somerville. I'm going to send her a link to see yours!
Great post! And your garden is gorgeous!
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