Carol of May Dreams Gardens invites gardeners around the world to share what is blooming in their gardens on the 15th of each month. I'm a day late this month, due to a nasty bug that I'm still here are the shots, sans commentary. Hope everything is lovely in your garden!
Due to the beautiful rains we've been having the rose, Cecile Bruenner is having a lovely flush along with the Canna's which are towering over my head.
The umbrella shaped blossom of eggplant.
Thanks for dropping's the list of bloomer's not shown:
Autumn Sage
Butterfly Weed
Butterfly plant
Passion flower vine
Purple trailing Lantana
Black and Blue Sage
Blue Mealy Sage
Majestic Sage
Mexican Petunia
Fernleaf Verbena
Goldeneye Skeleton
Crape Myrtle
Chaste Tree
Cross Vine
Society Garlic
Fall Obedient Plant
Fall Aster
Tick weed
Old Blush Rose
Coral Vine
Tropical Sage
Rock Rose
Desert Willow Vine
Cherry Barbados
Yaupon Holly (berries)
Martha Gonzales
Philippine Violet (white)
Gregg's Mistflower
Patrick's Abutilon
Happy Gardening!
I think I may have to move south ... you have so many blooms! And figs? C'mon! I need more sages - just love those. Always admire people who can grow those big, fat cannas. Also love anything chocolate.
Your flowers are great, we have a lot of plants in common. I really noticed your garden art. What is the blue statue in the first picture?
Come on down Fern! Winter gardening rocks...and no mosquitos!
GG-that is a ceramic sculpture I created in ''s Vincent VanGogh.
CG, Your garden is so full of lovely blooms and fruit!! Figs, Persimmons!! Delicious. I love the eggplant and that fun sculpture. You did a good deal even though under the weather. Hope you are all well very soon. ;>)
beautiful as ever!!!!! i love your garden so much...:)
I was just in the Brooklyn garden of my son's landlord where we picked some persimmons and I lusted after the eggplant, which was not an offering. So I loved seeing yours.
So sorry to hear about your bug. You are the third gardener to be down with a bug. Oh! those lovely eggplant and persimmons and I see you will have tomatoes again soon. And so many flowers in bloom. That rain followed by glorious sunny days really worked a treat. Now I know why we like it here.
Wow! Just -- wow. Everything looks great. So many eggplants! What's your favorite way to cook it?
Caroline-I like to slice it thin, and stir fry with red onion, garlic, white wine in olive oil and butter. Then I add it to stuff...maranara sauce, baba ganoush, layer it into a lasagna! Yum, now I'm hungry!
Great have a ton of stuff blooming! I'm particularly smitten by that pink rose, 'Peggy Smith', I think you charming!
Re: Garlic and rubbing alcohol.
I soak the cloves in alcohol because the instructions that come with the garlic I order told me I should do that. I think it's supposed to kill bacteria that the cloves might have on them...and it seems as if it would only be a problem if you planted garlic in the same location every year.
Like youuuuuuuuu.
Dude, you gotta will that blue face to me.
Lovely bloom day! So much going on. And after looking at your food crops, now I'm hungry too.
Awesome garden. How difficult was it planting a persimmon tree and where did you purchase the tree? Did you just get it at a local nursery? I'm contemplating planting one. I live in North Texas. I'm worried about our soil in our backyard since it's not the greatest. Great job!
Jeff | Protecting Plants From Frost
@Jeffrey: I bought at Fuyu Persimmon at The Natural Gardener, bare root. They are very easy to grow and perfect for or 8b zone, I imagine that they'd be fine farther north since they need quite a few cold/frost days to ripen! Good luck!
Oh, and go ahead and amend the soil now...let it sit, then you don't add anything when you plant, just re-fill the hole...and remember to plant it high!
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