I tried to get excited about cleaning the garden yesterday...but just couldn't bring myself to give up a perfect sun-lubber day...and seriously, I didn't have the stomach to face the goooooo.
Goodbye beautiful plants...that I've had for many years....

I can't believe that plants, south facing, in a rock bed, against the house...for Pete's sake, that have never succumbed to the cold...have

Peruvian Lilly was knee-high just two months ago....

Lovely African succulents...drained, flat...

gooo...it just goes on...

3 year old
Bulbine, that made it through last winter...remember "the coldest winter on record since the 50's"...sure.

Guess what this is?

Looks kinda like my elbows this year...crinkle, crack, split...

I've nursed this gelatinous bulb for 3 long years...
goodbye you beautiful blob of jelly.

See the sun glowing through? Not the way this former forest green zebra plant presented her pattern.
Sago was lost last year for the first time, and
ohhhhh, here you go again! Seriously...I have doubts.

The browns of winter...beyond the norm.
Day Lilly...I'm
soooo sorry.

No Kale for me!

Wait, is that spring green in the midst of all this terror?


The winter birds don't seem to mind...thistle please!

So, lesson learned. Texas is changing. 13 years of moderate winters are clearly over. I have to get serious about saving things, even though I'm in the middle of the city...even plants up against my house have not been able to take Global Warming. It's real. It's here. Thank goodness for
hard scape and yard art. We are blessed, aren't we? Let's not mess it up.